8 things to consider before
writing blogs for your customers

By Creative Team of Antsglobe

Jun 19, 2023

6 min read

Blogging is quite an exciting experience, where you get to share your thoughts, experiences and beliefs with the world. It also terrifying to know that your target audience is going to read your stuff and even share it further.

According to researches, every month, around 409 million internet users view more than 20 billion web pages. Amidst the cut-throat competition, blogging is not all easy. So, right from the beginning it should be planned and constructed with precision.

For the beginners, starting a blog is not easy, there are numerous deadfalls on the way to success. You are writing blog posts for your customers, so communicate with them to solve their problem, provide insights into your business and answer their queries.

So, Don’t worry we've come up with a list of 8 Business Blogging Tips To Consider While Starting a Blog For Your Customers. To make you aware of the most important aspects of blogging, and take measures to handle it beforehand.

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  1. • Make A List Of SEO Optimized Keywords For Your Blog :

    After choosing the topic to create a blog, the next thing you must find are the KEYWORDS to use in your blog post. You can take help of Google Keyword Planner to do your Keyword Research. Since Google made this tool, it is totally free and more accurate.

    Curate the list of Long-Tail keywords along with Short-Tail keywords and include it in your unique content. It will make your blog post visible to the relevant audience. Again it will be visible to the people who are searching for that information on search engines. SEO plays a significant role in making your business successful. Check this out here, How SEO is the Key to a Successful Business?

    Long-Tail Keywords are the phrases with more number of words, commonly searched and typed by the users on search engines. While Short-Tail Keywords are the phrases with one or two words, used by users on search engines to acquire information from the internet.

    These keywords will get your blog content easily indexed by the web-crawlers. It will bring your blog content at higher ranks and will help you to get the maximum reach to your target audience.

    Before writing blogs, perform detailed Keyword research to get insights about your customer's requirements and which searches are currently trending. You can quickly find some important long-tail keywords for your blog topics through Google Suggest and Ubersuggest.

    Optimizing your blogs with keywords for search engines plays a significant role in revenue and leads generation processes.

    Make a list of such SEO keywords or keyphrases and add them in your blog content, web-page titles, alt tags, headers and image descriptions. It will increase your blog's possibility to rank higher in search engine result pages (SERP).

    Why to get a higher rank on the search engine result page? As per the research conducted, 75% of online users never scroll beyond the first page of search results. Hence it is crucial to use keywords in your blog writing.

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  2. • Building Links With Other Relevant Posts :

    Make sure your blogs are relevant to your domain and can be linked to other relevant blogs on your website, forum or blogging portal. As this link building will help you to drive web traffic to other important blogs and achieve your marketing goals.

    A study conducted in 2020 on search engine ranking factors revealed that web links are of huge importance to achieve high rankings.

    Why to build links to your content? Internal and External Linkbuilding is one of the Search Engine Optimization techniques. It will get your blog content verified by the search engines as a valid source of authentic information.

    Create relevant content and provide links to every other relevant post on your website to create a network and manage the flow of web traffic and that will eventually result in getting higher ranks on the result pages.

    Professional blog writer crafting engaging content for business blog

  3. • Make Your Blog Super Easy To Understand :

    As you are preparing a piece of content for your customers, you must optimize it for your visitors or customers. If you want to engage your customers for a longer duration then design your blog in such a way that it makes them feel at ease.

    Create content easy to read and understand, avoid using complex dictionaries. Use simple terms, which are familiar to users. So that they can clearly understand your business and be interested to know more. Get a detailed overview of how blogging can increase your sales and make your business successful. Check this out, Why Blogging is an Emerging Trend for Successful Business?

    Writing Blogs together with SEO keywords will help you in providing the best user experience and get you the top rank position in the search result pages.

    As, Google now utilizes User Experience Signals along with other conventional ranking signals. Like building backlinks also decides which search results deserve the top rank in the Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs).

    High-quality blog writing services for businesses with SEO optimization

  4. • Make Sure Your Blog Writing Is Engaging And Entertaining :

    The easiest way to make your blog interesting is making it appear beautiful and full of facts. We recommend you to include mixed media like infographics, audio, video, GIFs, charts and diagrams in your blog post.

    Preparing and adding high-quality multimedia for your blog posts will keep the majority of your audience entertained and engaged with your shared content.

    Visitors who enjoy reading will skim through your entire blog post or infographics.

    Users who prefer Audio/Video will sit back and quickly watch your product video or listen to your podcast without spending any time reading the whole content.

    A Google Quality Guidelines document instructed reviewers to regard the web pages with additional content like download options, videos, audios, calculators, diagrams, charts or infographics of higher quality than text-only web pages.

    Thoroughly, plan and design the multimedia you are going to incorporate in your blog, to get maximum views, shares and higher search engine rankings.

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  5. • Find The Subject Of Importance To Highlight Using Tags :

    Generally, users go through your blog content pretty fast due to lack of time and can miss some important information in a hurry, which you wish to convey.

    Make sure you use H tags headings and subheadings to break up your blog content, to get recognized by the search engines and emphasize. Practising this is more important while preparing long-form blog content.

    Including a sub header for every 100 to 200 words of content is a good practice, which allows your users to differentiate and understand easily.

    Give a unique title to your blog post that describes the blog's content accurately within 50-70 characters to avoid getting truncated in the Search Engine Result Pages. Try to use relevant, important keywords and your brand name in titles.

    Incorporating the heading tags organizes your blog content in a proper format.

    • Using H tagsin the blog will make it easier for the search engines, to recognize, understand and index the organized content.
    • Giving the required headings in the blog post, help the online users to navigate easily through the webpage and makes it easy to absorb.

    Such small efforts and careful optimization results in a highly search engine optimized blog post. It can lead to achieving the highest rank in the search engine result page.

    Below are the best SEO practices to be followed :

    • Give your blog post H1 heading displaying the subject the blog covers, along with adding relevant primary keywords in it.
    • Utilize H2-H6 tags and relevant secondary keywords in your blog post wherever required in each paragraph.
    • Avoid overuse of the tags and keywords to maintain the flow of the information.

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  6. • Use Knowledge Sharing Platforms Like Quora To Search What People Want To Know :

    We recommend you to perform a detailed analysis of your target audience knowledge-sharing websites like Quora.

    On such reputed and secured platforms on the web, you can find out what your target audience truly care about and what your customers want to read about.

    Honestly, each question asked will prove an opportunity for you to create a brand new blog post, and every time you will get ideas to write free blogs. Such websites are an authentic source of data.

    You just need to create an account on Quora, follow the topics you are interested in or your blog niche. Along with that pay close attention to the queries of your target audience.

    Content marketing blog post creation by experienced writers

  7. Benefits Of Using Knowledge Sharing Platforms :

    • You will get the exact words your target audience uses in the queries while searching for an answer.
    • The queries can be used as the headline of your blog post.
    • Helps you in performing keyword research relevant to your topic.
    • It is one of the best places to promote your blog post once completed, where you can directly refer your blogs in the answering section by providing links.
    • Building links on such high authority websites helps in directing high-quality traffic through backlinks and boosting SEO rankings. SEO plays a significant role in making your business successful and increasing content visibility on search engines. Check this out here, How SEO is the Key to a Successful Business? To benefit from blogging and SEO.

  8. • Make Sure Your Blog Loads Faster :

    In this fast-paced lifestyle, users can't afford to spend more time on your website or blog posts. Whether if you have running e-commerce shopping portal or a blog, page loading time is most important.

    As per the Google reports, users leave websites that take more than 5 seconds to load normally. Blog's page loading time is considered by Google as a search engine ranking factor in its search result pages.

    Users just hate waiting if blogs take more time to load. It may distract your users and propel them to search for other alternatives. Especially nowadays where users prefer mobile devices for browsing everything. Publish your content on fast loading websites or digital platforms. Check out, why websites built by professional web designing company are important for content marketing and business promotion. Have a quick glance at, why it is important to have a Professional Website for any business? And why you should use Responsive web designing?

    If your website's or blog's page takes more time to load, then the bounce rate willgo way up. (Bounce rate: The per cent of website visitors leaving the website without viewing the next web page or blog)

    To check your blog's loading time, you can employ some page speed testing tool like GTmetrix or Pingdom.

  9. Here, we are suggesting you some ways to speed up blog's loading :

    • Images cover most of the part of a website, Optimize your blog's images with the help of an Image Optimization Tool (for ex; Optimole) which allows you to compress, resize, and shrink without harming the user experience.
    • You can employ a Caching Plugin to speed up your blog's loading time which serves static HTML instead of PHP to load each page.
    • Your host directly influences your web page load times, hence Choose a faster host. • Use SEO friendly wordpress themes to design your blog. Through your hosting operator you can easily install wordpress for your Blog. There are many tutorials on internet to set up your Blog with Wordpress.

  10. • Build An Email List And Keep In Touch With Your Customers :

    Email marketing is one of the effective digital marketing methods to update your customers instantly about the new product launch, up gradations and to resolve their queries.

    If executed in the right manner, your list of customer email addresses will emerge as your most significant source of web traffic and sales.

    Having a precisely curated email list can help you enhance your revenue and leads generation process. As per the Marketing Week reports email marketing generates approximately £29 billion sales in retail yearly.

    A call-to-action button or link in the email tempts the users to know more often results in impulsive buying.

    Hence, to engage the existing customer base and increase return on investments at higher rates. The planning about email marketing is more important before writing a blog for your customers.

    Before convincing the new target audience to become your customers, it is important to build an email address list of your customers as per their requirements and convince them to get engaged with your business further.

    Writing useful and unique blog posts for your customers is the most crucial aspect of your business, but it is even more important to promote your blog posts extensively to achieve the goal and to gain expected profit from blogging.

  11. Email marketing is the most cost-effective and productive method. If you are ready with your email lists then :

    • You can start your promotional campaign through effective and easy to use email marketing platforms like ConvertKit, Mailchimp, TinyLetter or SendinBlue.
    • Design personalized email marketing campaigns and avoid spamming, Make it short, crisp, easy to understand and beautiful.
    • You can easily notify about new blog posts published. Provide offers for upgrades and give call to action links or subscription options to generate leads.

Wrapping Up!

It seems simple to write and run a blog, but the actual execution requires a lot of efforts, research and patience. In the background, several factors affect a single blog. To make your blog content available to your target audience requires thorough research and planning.

If your blog ranks on the 1st page of search results then you can monetize your blog. It can be done by signing up in Google Adsense. You can recommend useful products and services to your audience by applying affiliate links to Your Blog.

We hope this blog will help you to avoid some of the mistakes made earlier. And guide you to focus on some of the major factors affecting a blog.

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